Use of pronoun as Nominative case, Objective or Accusative case, Possessive case, Vocative case, etc. Formation of nouns from adjectives, synonyms and antonyms, singular and plural, etc.ĭefinition and kinds of pronoun with suitable examples of each type. Conversion of verb to noun and noun to verb. Examples of all five kinds of noun using suitable sentence. Structure of simple sentence using suitable subject and predicate.ĭefinition and kinds of noun. The correct order of subject and predicate. What are subjects and their identification same for predicate also. Important points to be learnt like when the Subject is an Interrogative Pronoun, it comes before the verb. Proper placement of verb and subject in a sentence. Kinds of sentence like Interrogative, Command, Exclamatory sentences etc. What is a sentence and how to write a correct sentence? Making right to a wrong sentence.

Punctuation and Capital LettersĬhapter wise Main Points of Class 8 English Grammar The explanation of Class 8 English Grammar includes topics sentences, Conjunctions, order of words, Interjection, Subject and Predicate, Articles, Noun and their kinds, Punctuation and Capital letters, Pronoun, Active and Passive voice, Verbs, Direct and Indirect, Adjective, Comprehension, Adverb, Story Writing, Tense, Letter Writing, Preposition and Essay writing.Ĭhapter 14. All the chapters contain illustrations of grammar topic, so that students can understand easily.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Grammar all chapters are given here with suitable examples and explanation.